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South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership Annual Conference 2024

South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership Annual Conference 2024

At Sheffield Hallam University, Hallam Hall, Owen Building, Arundel Gate, Sheffield City Centre

9.45am                    Arrival

10.00-10.10 am       Alexis Chappell ,Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing , Sheffield City Council – Welcome

10.15-10.45am        Danica Darley, University of Sheffield, presenting her research on children in care and their experiences of criminal gangs in England.

10.45-11am             Comfort break

11am-12 noon         Social Work Awards Part 1 – presented by Janet Kerr, Operations Director (Deputy DASS),

Adult Care and Wellbeing Services & Amanda Boughton-Brown, Assistant Director, Children and Families Services, Sheffield City Council

12 noon- 1pm          Lunch served – Networking opportunities

1pm-1.30pm            Equity Accomplice presentation by Fiona Ross and Janniffa Syed, Sheffield City Council

1.30pm-2.30pm       Dr Louise Whitehead, PhD DipSW, Sheffield Hallam University presenting on her published paper       about SARs in South Yorkshire along with a presentation about the SHU international social work experience.

2.30pm-3.30pm        Social Work Awards Part 2 – presented by Janet Kerr, Operations Director (Deputy DASS),Adult Care and Wellbeing Services & Amanda Boughton-Brown, Assistant Director. Children and Families Services. Sheffield City Council

3.30pm                     Close

Sheffield Hallam University is a 5 minute walk from Sheffield Train Station.  There are buses that stop at the Arundel Gate Exchange which is opposite the Owen Building and car parking close by.

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder –

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – delivered by Mandy Craig SCSP Safeguarding Children Vulnerabilities Manager


Date: 10th March 2020

Time: 10.00-12:00

Venue: Town Hall, Room G46  , Sheffield City Centre.


This workshop will consider :


  • FASD – what it means and what causes it
  • How FASD impacts on children and young people
  • How to identify FASD in young people
  • The importance of pregnant woman being supported to access alcohol treatment and support where necessary





Date: 18/03/2020

Time: 10am – 4pm

Venue: , Sheffield Hallam University City Campus, Arundel Gate, Sheffield

(Just a 5 minute walk from the train station)

In recent years we have seen a rapidly growing interest in the use of strength based approaches in health and social care. But what are strength based approaches and how can we apply them to our practice? This learning session is designed to provide you with an overview of the research and policy context of strength based practice and to introduce you to some strength based  tools, techniques and models  which you can apply to your practice.

Rachel McManus, Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University will be delivering this session.  We are running this again due to previous high demand.   There are 50 places available and there is a small charge of £50 per place.


How do I book a place: Please emailSYTP-CPDModules&Masterclasses@sheffield.gov.u