Category Archives: News

South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership Annual Conference 2024

South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership Annual Conference 2024

At Sheffield Hallam University, Hallam Hall, Owen Building, Arundel Gate, Sheffield City Centre

9.45am                    Arrival

10.00-10.10 am       Alexis Chappell ,Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing , Sheffield City Council – Welcome

10.15-10.45am        Danica Darley, University of Sheffield, presenting her research on children in care and their experiences of criminal gangs in England.

10.45-11am             Comfort break

11am-12 noon         Social Work Awards Part 1 – presented by Janet Kerr, Operations Director (Deputy DASS),

Adult Care and Wellbeing Services & Amanda Boughton-Brown, Assistant Director, Children and Families Services, Sheffield City Council

12 noon- 1pm          Lunch served – Networking opportunities

1pm-1.30pm            Equity Accomplice presentation by Fiona Ross and Janniffa Syed, Sheffield City Council

1.30pm-2.30pm       Dr Louise Whitehead, PhD DipSW, Sheffield Hallam University presenting on her published paper       about SARs in South Yorkshire along with a presentation about the SHU international social work experience.

2.30pm-3.30pm        Social Work Awards Part 2 – presented by Janet Kerr, Operations Director (Deputy DASS),Adult Care and Wellbeing Services & Amanda Boughton-Brown, Assistant Director. Children and Families Services. Sheffield City Council

3.30pm                     Close

Sheffield Hallam University is a 5 minute walk from Sheffield Train Station.  There are buses that stop at the Arundel Gate Exchange which is opposite the Owen Building and car parking close by.

Interface Evaluate South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership

Interface was commissioned in September 2018 to conduct an evaluation of the South Yorkshire Social Work Teaching Partnership.

The evaluation activities took place between October 2018 and February 2019. Interface would like to thank all the stakeholders involved in the evaluation for their time and insight, on which this evaluation is largely based.

Interface has since been chosen to provide an evaluation for the DfE on the Social Work Teaching Partnership (SWTP) programme across England.

Please download a copy of the report SYTP Evaluation Report 2019


Social Work Practice and Development CPD Framework 2020/2021

The brochure for the next academic year’s CPD modules is now available only for the local authorities within the partnership.

The brochure will be sent to managers within the partnership to inform their team and identify workers who would like to take a module. Every worker and their manager will need to sign a learning contract which highlights the commitment expected in terms of time and completion.

Modules for both children and adult social workers and practitioners will be available.

There is a registration process that all workers need to adhere to.



Post Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management Awards 2019

The third Cohort of the PgCert in Leadership and Management had their graduation ceremony on February 27th at Sheffield University’s Halifax Hall. Dot Smith, Project Lead attended on behalf of the teaching partnership.

12 Senior Managers/practitioners from across the partnership successfully completed this course.


Bastin Ruth
Bonner Laura Jane
Cohen David Francis
Danks Louise
Freeman Rachel Elizabeth
Hylton Victoria Elizabeth
Jelley Gordon
McAllister Katie Louise
Mcgreavy Marie
Mckenzie Faye Elizabeth
Purdie James
Thomas Steven James

Film Festival – Featuring ‘experts by experience’

A FREE half day event hosted by the South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership

South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership are proud to be hosting a first… a Film Festival dedicated to showcasing films from experts by experience – children, young people and adults.  We are screening films designed to inform, challenge and inspire,  positioned within the world of social care or with transferable messages.  We will showcase films designed to impact on face to face interventions or on the development and delivery of services as a whole.

Following the screenings there will be a networking lunch with opportunities to meet the filmmakers, academics and social work colleagues from across the partnership.

Dorothy Flemming Theater, Charles Street Building, Sheffield Hallam University Friday February 22nd 9:30 – 1:00


9:30  Registration

10:00 – 12:00 Film Screenings

12:00 Lunch – Networking and ‘talk time’

Please share this invite with any colleagues or agencies that you think will want to attend.

For more information about the practicalities (including special dietary requirements) or how to get involved please email

To submit films suggestions or questions please email

To book your place please use this link:


Evaluating the performance of social care as a system: an introduction to the Vanguard Method

A one day  workshop delivered by Joanne Gibson and Brendan O’Donovan of Vanguard Consulting – Chaired by Sue White University of Sheffield

Wednesday March 6th 10am until 4pm  at University of Sheffield, Elmfield, Seminar Room G18

We have worked with a variety of social care organisations in the public and voluntary sectors. Our studies show that many public service systems are set up to assess rather than understand, to transact rather than build relationships, to refer on cases rather than taking individual responsibility and to prescribe packages of activity instead of taking the time to understand what might improve someone’s life. The result is that problems people face are not resolved, public services generate escalating levels of ‘failure demand’, and costs are driven ever upwards.

How can things be done differently? What might a concrete alternative look like? That is what we will try to explain over this session which has been designed to provide you with a different frame of reference, hopefully creating some curiosity and encouraging you to learn more about the Vanguard Method, in order to tackle some of the issues that you and your services face.

The Vanguard Method is unique in that it starts by studying a service as a system from the service user’s point of view, to gain knowledge of the ‘what and why’ of current performance. This session will give a high-level explanation of the key Vanguard Method principles required to study and understand how and why your current system works in the way that it does. We will go on to talk about what has been learnt through the application of the Vanguard Method in various people centred services, giving examples and results from organisations that have started to work in a different way.

This day will act as an introduction to what you could learn on a 12-day practical module that we are planning to run in conjunction with Sheffield University.

This Masterclass forms part of the module ‘Researching Everyday Practice’ There are 10 places available at a cost of £50 per student on a first come, first served basis.

Contact: , interim Project Manager to book a place by 15th February 2019.

Further information from

SYTP Evaluation

We have recently commissioned and contracted with an independent organisation called Interface Enterprises to undertake an evaluation of the South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership as this is a requirement of the DfE/DH.

Interface will meet up with a range of stakeholders either in focus groups – with representatives from each local authority hopefully attending, or with individuals. We are in the process of arranging these groups and they will take place between November 2018 and February 2018. Groups include:

• Practice Educators
• Placement Leads
• Social workers who have been on CPD/ASYAM courses
• Strategy Board
• Children’s Practice Development Group
• Adult’s Practice Development Group
• Sheffield Hallam University students and University of Sheffield students
• Key individuals – either face to face meetings or over the phone.

The evaluation will look at the outcomes and impact arising from the partnership’s activity, and identify what has worked well/hasn’t worked well. The evaluation report will be circulated to all SYTP stakeholders and will make recommendations for the future sustainability of the Partnership. The report will be presented at the March 2019 Strategy Board.

South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership Awards

SYTP Awards – winners announced

The South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership awards are about recognising and rewarding the contributions of our social workers  and managers, and the impact that they have on the lives of children, young people, families and vulnerable adults.

Winners were announced at the SYTP Celebration and Innovation event on 24th September 2018, which was held at Sheffield Town Hall. 

Category      Winner Runner up
Social Worker of the Year Joanne Hacking (Rotherham MBC) Kelly Bestford (Sheffield City Council)
Practice Educator of the Year Lauren Hill (Doncaster CST) Fiona Ross (Sheffield City Council)
Team Manager of the Year Gillian Hallas (Sheffield City Council) Rachel Townsley (Rotherham MBC)
Newly Qualified Social Worker of the Year Megan Robinson (Barnsley MBC) Jay Barker (Sheffield City Council)
Social Work Student of the Year Holly McIntosh (Sheffield Hallam University) Ester Melnikov (University of Sheffield)

If you have any further questions about the SYTP awards, please contact

Free conference: ‘Tackling the Care Crisis – Families Driving Reform’

A free one day conference from Your Family Your Voice Alliance

29th October 2018, St Mary’s Church and Conference Centre, Bramall Lane, Sheffield

The number of children in the care system is at the highest level since 1985. There is a common agreement across the social care and family justice sector that the system is in crisis. This conference will explore ways that families can be central to safely addressing this and achieving a fairer, more just child welfare system.

For further details and to book your place, please see