The National Teaching Partnership was held on the 14th of November with many Teaching partnerships in attendance along with other agencies such as Social Work England.
Dave Bosworth Of University of Sheffield outlined in his workshop how the Teaching Partnership has built relationships between universities & LAs through aligning the practice curriculum, enhancing practice education & CPD such as the ‘Social worker in Courtroom’ module’
Dot Smith programme manager of South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership presented a workshop on How Teaching Partnerships can survive without government funding.
So see all the workshop’s please click on the links below
1A The Impact of Practitioner Teaching on Staff Development in the Local Authority
1B Rural Social Work – Challenges and Opportunities
1C Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Practice
2A Creating a Culture of Research Mindedness in Social Work
2B A Case Study in Sustainability
3A Transitioning Teaching Partnerships from Start-up to BAU Self-funding Partnerships
3B Building an Effective Relationship Between Academia and Practice – Lessons from the SYTP
4C Sustainability Planning – How Your Teaching Partnership Can Survive Without Government Funding
Key Note Speech – Enabling positive change in social work
Practice Supervisor Development Programme