Please note that the information on this page relates to applying and registering for CPD modules/courses which are accredited by the University of Sheffield or Sheffield Hallam University.
How do I apply for study for a module?
We will advertise the number of places offered and will invite you to register your interest with your Workforce Development Contact. Should there be more interest than places then there will be a selection process.
If you have been offered a place on a module, then the process for taking up your place is as follows:
Please note – all steps must be completed before you can start on the module.
- You will receive an electronic copy of the SYTP Learning Contract Please complete it asap and return it to your Workforce Development Contact. Please note that it is expected that you will meet with your line manager and to complete the Learning Agreement.
- For UoS modules you will receive links to an online application form. For SHU modules a partially completed application form and instructions for completion will be sent to you. NB For UoS you will need your HCPC registration number to hand when completing the application form. Once you have completed the application form you will receive a confirmation email that your application form has been received.
- UoS admissions will then send you an e-mail giving information about your offer and advising you that you will receive a further email providing instructions on how to register online to join the University and set up your student account. The registration form takes you through several steps all of which must be completed. SHU admissions team will send you an offer email which you will need to reply to.
- SHU enrolment team will then send an email about a month before your module starts: August for September module; October for November module; January for February module and March for April module, with instructions on how to set up your email account and also an online registration form which you must complete.
Once you have registered you will be issued with your Ucard, have access to University facilities and be set up for the award of your credits.
Remember – both the application form and registration tasks must be completed, and the learning agreement form completed and returned, before you can take up your place on the module.